Relay errors in fresh new on premise install

Changing the http client library actually resolves the DNS AAAA request issue, but the DNS resover issue still appears:

[actix::actors::resolver] WARN: Can not create system dns resolver: io error

And the relay service still does not operate well. The error message changed to:

[relay_server::actors::upstream] ERROR: authentication encountered error: upstream request returned error 400 Bad Request
    caused by: No valid json body

This error did not happened before, so this might be a different issue or gets caused by changing the http client library, I do not know.

Full log with logging set to DEBUG. The following lines appear over and over again.

[relay_server::actors::upstream] INFO: registering with upstream (http://web:9000/)
[relay_server::actors::upstream] DEBUG: Recovering from network outage.
[relay_server::actors::upstream] ERROR: authentication encountered error: upstream request returned error 400 Bad Request
    caused by: No valid json body

btw: do I need to add the credentials from relay/credentials.json anywhere?