Sending sentry tracing through queue

There are two services written in Go. The first writes some events to the rabbit queue, the second reads from this queue and does some work on the messages.
I want to trace the life cycle of each message in sentry. On the side of the first service, this is done elementary. But how do I pass span through the queue?
If you solve the same problem using open tracing, then again everything is simple:

span := tracer.StartSpan("first")
carrier := opentracing.TextMapCarrier{}
span.Tracer().Inject(span.Context(), opentracing.TextMap, carrier)

func second(token string) {
    carrier := opentracing.TextMapCarrier{}
    carrier.Set("uber-trace-id", token)
    ctx, _ := opentracing.GlobalTracer().Extract(opentracing.TextMap, carrier)
    span := opentracing.StartSpan("second", opentracing.FollowsFrom(ctx))
    span.Tracer().Inject(span.Context(), opentracing.TextMap, carrier)

But I can’t understand how you can create an object inherited in the second service in the case of using sentry
