Waiting for events… Our error robot is waiting to devour receive your first event

Well, I fixed this problem, it is not easy.

  1. run this command and get in the postgres docker
    docker exec -it onpremise_postgres_1 bash

  2. get in the postgre database
    psql -h -d postgres -U postgres

  3. run this part program:
    create or replace function sentry_increment_project_counter( project bigint, delta int) returns int as $$ declare new_val int; begin loop update sentry_projectcounter set value = value + delta where project_id = project returning value into new_val; if found then return new_val; end if; begin insert into sentry_projectcounter(project_id, value) values (project, delta) returning value into new_val; return new_val; exception when unique_violation then end; end loop; end $$ language plpgsql;

Then it works,
