I see a lot of good alerts integrations, except Telegram. I think is a very good platform specially with the bots API, and we use Telegram over Slack at work.
I’ve found unofficial plugins but are complicated to setup.
I see a lot of good alerts integrations, except Telegram. I think is a very good platform specially with the bots API, and we use Telegram over Slack at work.
I’ve found unofficial plugins but are complicated to setup.
Hello, @santimacia!
Are you tried sentry-telegram plugin for Sentry? It looks like easy to install (a few steps) and to use for me.
If you will have any trouble with it - be free to create issue on GitHub or write me to Telegram directly.
Very excited for
I am requesting an official integration with the cloud version of sentry.
I regularly get questions/requests in my messengers, regarding the installation of the plugin to cloud-version Sentry, from different people. But there is still no way to do it So, you are, at least, not alone.
I’m investigating possibility of creation custom integration https://telegramsentry.herokuapp.com.
If it’s interesting, please check website