Bad Gateway Error Exceptions - from time to time


we are running Sentry on premise in our bare-metal Kubernetes Cluster since Version 21.2. Currently running the latest version (21.9.0) and we are experiencing “BadGateWayError” exceptions from time to time (mostly when a user want’s to open the events of a specific issue). One of these errors for example:

BadGatewayError: GET /issues/6472/ 502
  at fetchData (./app/api.tsx:588:28)
  at componentDidUpdate (./app/views/organizationGroupDetails/groupDetails.tsx:81:12)
  at ../node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js/t.unstable_runWithPriority (/_static/dist/sentry/chunks/vendors-node_modules_emotion_css_dist_emotion-css_esm_js-node_modules_emotion_react_dist_emot-240287.554554147ee880d11c1c.js:2:727189)
  at ../node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js/t.unstable_runWithPriority (/_static/dist/sentry/chunks/vendors-node_modules_emotion_css_dist_emotion-css_esm_js-node_modules_emotion_react_dist_emot-240287.554554147ee880d11c1c.js:2:727189)
  at r (/_static/dist/sentry/chunks/vendors-node_modules_emotion_css_dist_emotion-css_esm_js-node_modules_emotion_react_dist_emot-240287.554554147ee880d11c1c.js:2:53825)
(11 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

2-3 times retry after this sort of error and everything is loading fine again…

Anyone with a good tipp to point me in the right direction to resolve the source of these errors?

Thanks in advance!

It is probably taking too long for the API to respond and either nginx or Sentry web itself is timing out. You can figure out which from your Nginx logs and then increase the timeout.


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