We have recently seen this entry (https://blog.sentry.io/2021/02/16/close-the-loop-with-user-feedback) on your blog and we want to be able to associate a user feedback report with an error.
Our stack is the following.
On the one hand we use React in the front-end. We use Sentry following what is recommended in React | Sentry Documentation
On the other hand, on the back end we use Node.js + Express + graphQL and we use graphql-middleware-sentry.
The problem we have is that we do not see a way to send the event_id or the trace_id in the response from the back-end to the front-end to be able to link an error from the back-end with an error report created by the user in the front-end
We have looked at the documentation from Connect Services for React | Sentry Documentation but our front-end is not generated by the back-end and I don’t see how to add the meta in header
I have seen the option proposed in this entry https://blog.sentry.io/2019/04/04/trace-errors-through-stack-using-unique-identifiers-in-sentry but the idea of creating tags Unique for each error does not convince me as it adds a lot of noise to our tags.
We have also looked at the option of React Error Boundary for React | Sentry Documentation but we continue with the same problem that we do not have the original id generated by the back-end