connect backend and frontend transactions into a single coherent trace


We have recently seen this entry ( on your blog and we want to be able to associate a user feedback report with an error.

Our stack is the following.

On the one hand we use React in the front-end. We use Sentry following what is recommended in React | Sentry Documentation

On the other hand, on the back end we use Node.js + Express + graphQL and we use graphql-middleware-sentry.

The problem we have is that we do not see a way to send the event_id or the trace_id in the response from the back-end to the front-end to be able to link an error from the back-end with an error report created by the user in the front-end

We have looked at the documentation from Connect Services for React | Sentry Documentation but our front-end is not generated by the back-end and I don’t see how to add the meta in header

I have seen the option proposed in this entry but the idea of creating tags Unique for each error does not convince me as it adds a lot of noise to our tags.

We have also looked at the option of React Error Boundary for React | Sentry Documentation but we continue with the same problem that we do not have the original id generated by the back-end



I’m using the transaction_id on our projects and it’s doing great for linking issues from different projects.

With the latest SDKs transactions in the frontend and backend should be connected out of the box. Including errors and transactions.