Disabling automatic error capturing in JavaScript SDK


I have a JavaScript script that needs to be embedded on hundreds of different websites, and I am using Sentry to tell if something goes wrong. I have the following code:

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';

    dsn: 'MY_SENTRY_DSN',
    environment: 'MY_ENV'

try {
    // Do stuff
} catch (error) {

I want to capture only the errors that are thrown within the try-catch block. Right now, I get spammed with errors that happen in other scripts on the websites - i.e. if any JavaScript error occurs. I only want to capture errors that occur within my script, so the ones I capture manually. I suppose Sentry is hooking into JavaScript’s error handler and that’s why it captures a lot of stuff that’s not relevant to me. That’s fine, but I just need a way to disable it. I couldn’t find any configuration option that does this. How can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!

I think what you want is

defaultIntegrations: false

    dsn: 'MY_SENTRY_DSN',
    environment: 'MY_ENV',
    defaultIntegrations: false

This also disables breadcrumb tracking and patching of global functions like console.

That way you will only capture Exception you explicitly catch yourself.

Hey HazAT,

Thanks for the hint! After a bit of digging, I figured out that I can override the settings of integrations by instantiating them and adding them to the integrations key, like this:

    dsn: 'MY_SENTRY_DSN',
    environment: 'MY_ENV',

    integrations: [
        new Sentry.Integrations.GlobalHandlers({
            onerror: false,
            onunhandledrejection: false

It appears to work how I expected; an error handler is no longer added to window.onerror, and breadcrumbs etc. still work. That’s the best case scenario, since the default integrations are still useful. I have yet to test it in production, but so far it seems to work.

Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction! :slight_smile:


To my surprise, the above solution turned out not to work. That’s really weird, since window.onerror no longer gets set by Sentry.init(). Nevertheless, I am still seeing errors from other scripts being reported to Sentry. Back to square one.

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Did you find a solution?

Nope. I ended up doing the following.

    integrations(integrations) {
        return integrations
            // Disable global error handler
            .filter(i => i.name !== 'GlobalHandlers')

            // Disable other integrations
            .filter(i => i.name !== 'TryCatch');

I still get errors from other scripts, but just haven’t had time to look more into it, although it’s really inconvenient still.

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Related: https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/#trycatch

Thanks! I had removed that since my last post, though, and unfortunately without success. I have the following:

    // ...
    integrations(integrations) {
        return integrations
            .filter(i => i.name !== 'GlobalHandlers')
            .filter(i => i.name !== 'Breadcrumbs')
            .filter(i => i.name !== 'TryCatch');

Looking over the integrations again, I am still not sure what causes a lot of junk to be captured.

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I can confirm that none of these solutions are working and GlobalHandlers is always enabled. I guess there’s a bug in the sentry’s browser package.

I tried everything and none of them work. I either have all of the integrations or none of them! There’s no way to disable a single integration.

So I came up with this workaround:

const hub = new Hub(); // cause our project is embedded in another project
new BrowserClient({
    dsn: '__DSN__',
    beforeSend(event: Event, hint?: EventHint): PromiseLike<Event | null> | Event | null {
        if (!event.extra?.myFlag) return null;
        return event;


hub.withScope(scope => {
    scope.setExtra('myFlag', true);
    hub.captureMessage(message, severity);

I wish sentry could pay more attention on resolving such bugs and github’s open issues