Extremely large initial download. Login takes 1+ minutes. What is this?

Ok, so looking at our code:

This is where we write these rows. We rely entirely on an integrity error being thrown here to prevent duplicates, and since you don’t have the unique on organization_id, task, then you’re getting duplicate rows here. I’m confused about how this could be missing, main options are:

  • Is there a chance someone removed this on your install?
  • If not, then what version of Sentry did you start with, what was your upgrade path to your current version, etc? I want to make sure that this isn’t affecting other on-premise users. It’d be helpful to know your upgrade path so that we could try and reproduce this ourselves.

What you want to do here is correct your data so that there’s only one row per task per org, then you can add the unique constraint back in place.

You can identify duplicate rows per task with this. I’ll leave it up to you to write a delete here:

select *
from sentry_organizationonboardingtask
where organization_id = 1 and task = 5
and id != (select min(id) from sentry_organizationonboardingtask where organization_id = 1 and task = 5)

You’ll need to repeat this for each task in your system that has duplicates.

Then this recreates the unique index

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sentry_organizationonboar_organization_id_47e98e05cae29cf3_uniq ON public.sentry_organizationonboardingtask USING btree (organization_id, task)

This will fail unless you remove all duplicate rows, but it’s important to get this back in place, otherwise you’ll hit this issue again.

There might be some timing issues here with more duplicate rows getting added. One option to avoid that is to stop ingestion for your Sentry instance while you are fixing data and adding this index in place.