Install LDAP module

Previously we’ve installed the LDAP module by adding the following steps to the Dockerfile:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install gcc openssl libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev -y
The LDAP-module has also been added to the requirements file.

Now that the Dockerfile has been removed and replaced by a pre-built image, which way is the supported way of adding components to the sentry-container?
I’ve read some issues where a “init-script” directory was suggested.
Has this been implemented?



Sorry for the disruptive change, was looking for some feedback similar to yours before merging but I guess I didn’t ping on the right channels much. Anyway, for a solution proposal:

I think you can either bring it back with a docker-compose.override.yml and get it built automatically everytime, or you can just have your own Docker image, created from our base getsentry/sentry image and override the SENTRY_IMAGE= environment variable and everything will use that.

Do these make sense?

Thanks for the quick answer.
I guess a docker-compose override makes the most sense :slight_smile:
I’ll try it out.

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Would you be willing to post an example of your docker-compose override looked like to get this working?

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