I had a question about the docs regarding setting context.
Per the docs
Sentry.configureScope((scope) => {
scope.setUser({"email": "john.doe@example.com"});
I am using
The user information I have is attached to the request via a JWT and that is where I will get the data for setting context.
Do i need to call configure scope in an app.use
Since Javascript is single threaded, I want to make sure the context is to the current request.
My fear:
User 1 makes http call and configureScope is called
User 1 calls the db and waits a few seconds
User 2 During this time makes an http call and it calls configure Scope
User 1 DB throws an exception and goes to log, but is logged now with User 2’s context.
How do I avoid this scenario using Sentry and Express. This was not clear in the docs since all the examples had hard coded objects.