Kafka fails to start up after truncating logs, preallocate log size

In order to clean up logs, i truncated some logs in kafka .
root@871d7856246d:/var/lib/kafka/data/events-0# pwd

-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 5 13:42 00000000000018096585.log
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 5 13:42 00000000000017849768.log
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 5 13:42 00000000000017574826.log
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 5 13:42 00000000000017307174.log
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 10 Apr 5 10:27 00000000000018352981.snapshot
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 1486168 Apr 5 10:27 00000000000018096585.index

After doing that . on startup i see the following errors . Does kafka need a preallocated log size on startup . Can this be fixed somehow @BYK

**ingest-consumer_1                           | 14:26:48 [INFO] batching-kafka-consumer: New partitions assigned: [TopicPartition{topic=ingest-attachments,partition=0,offset=-1001,error=None}, TopicPartition{topic=ingest-events,partition=0,offset=-1001,error=None}, TopicPartition{topic=ingest-transactions,partition=0,offset=-1001,error=None}]**
**kafka_1                                     | [2021-04-05 14:26:48,226] ERROR [ReplicaManager broker=1001] Error processing fetch with max size 1048576 from consumer on partition ingest-transactions-0: (fetchOffset=11632139, logStartOffset=-1, maxBytes=1048576, currentLeaderEpoch=Optional.empty) (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)**
**kafka_1                                     | org.apache.kafka.common.errors.CorruptRecordException: Found record size 0 smaller than minimum record overhead (14) in file /var/lib/kafka/data/ingest-transactions-0/00000000000011627018.log.**
**ingest-consumer_1                           | * Unknown config option found: 'slack.legacy-app'**

Sorry, I honestly have no idea what this is. Were you able to fix this on your own?

@BYK , yes i was able to fix this on my own.

Interestingly kafka log files should be maintained through KAFKA_LOG_RETENTION_HOURS: “24”, and any other log retention values, such as log.cleanup.policy and log.retention.bytes and maybe others mentioned in

Are any of these attributes supported on the docker-compose.yml for sentry?

I solved this by removing my
kafka, kafka-log , zookeeper and zookeeper-log volumes and doing a .install.sh. That fixed the problem

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Yup, the logic is prepending KAFKA_ to them, make them all caps and replace . with _. So setting KAFKA_LOG_CLEANUP_POLICY and KAFKA_LOG_RETENTION_BYTES should work.

If you think we should set these to certain values for smooth operation, feel free to submit a PR to the onpremise repo. If not you can create a docker-compose.override.yml file and set these there which docker-compose would automatically pick up and merge with the main config file.

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