Missing a healthcheck configuration

I ran docker-compose build --pull && docker-compose run --rm web upgrade
and getting this error:
Successfully tagged sentry-cleanup-onpremise-local:latest

ERROR: for snuba-subscription-consumer-transactions Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-sessions-consumer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-outcomes-consumer Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-consumer Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-api Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-replacer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-subscription-consumer-events Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-transactions-consumer Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for web Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for kafka Service “zookeeper” is missing a healthcheck configuration
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Any idea what setting I need to add where?

My docker-compose.yml

<<: *restart_policy
image: “redis:6.2.4-alpine”
<<: *healthcheck_defaults
test: redis-cli ping
- “sentry-redis:/data”
soft: 10032
hard: 10032

Just use the docker-compose file from the onpremise repo and you should be good.

I copied version: “3.4”
from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsentry/onpremise/master/docker-compose.yml
ran pull, build, upgrade and getting similar error.

ERROR: for snuba-api Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for kafka Service “zookeeper” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-subscription-consumer-events Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-replacer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-subscription-consumer-transactions Service “redis” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-transactions-consumer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-consumer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-sessions-consumer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration

ERROR: for snuba-outcomes-consumer Service “clickhouse” is missing a healthcheck configuration
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

What is your docker-compose version?

docker-compose version 1.27.4, build 40524192

We recently bumped the minimum required version of docker-compose to 1.28.0 and using 1.29.2 with our tests, can you try with a more recent version?

Also, this part should have caught this: onpremise/check-minimum-requirements.sh at 9aa34dd6120fb51d005fa42cac1c1fff1f044eb4 · getsentry/onpremise · GitHub

Are you using the latest version of the onpremise repo?

I upgraded docker-compose to 1.29.2, the new error is:
ERROR: for web Container “0dd96e127752” is unhealthy.
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

0dd96e127752 is the postgres:9.6 container image.

I also ran sh check-minimum-requirements.sh with the following output.
Checking minimum requirements …
check-minimum-requirements.sh: line 11: --version: command not found
FAIL: Expected minimum docker-compose version to be 1.28.0 but found

My docker-compose version output:
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
docker-py version: 5.0.0
CPython version: 3.7.10
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0l 10 Sep 2019

Here is the error the postgres container is throwing:
2021-08-17T10:19:49.876454435Z Replication config already present in pg_hba. Not changing anything.
2021-08-17T10:19:49.881076014Z cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/sentry/wal2json/wal2json.so’: No such file or directory
2021-08-17T10:20:50.262449662Z Setting up Change Data Capture
2021-08-17T10:20:50.266772517Z Replication config already present in pg_hba. Not changing anything.
2021-08-17T10:20:50.271495966Z cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/sentry/wal2json/wal2json.so’: No such file or directory
2021-08-17T10:21:50.658879491Z Setting up Change Data Capture
2021-08-17T10:21:50.662725550Z Replication config already present in pg_hba. Not changing anything.
2021-08-17T10:21:50.667507543Z cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/sentry/wal2json/wal2json.so’: No such file or directory
2021-08-17T10:22:51.050225618Z Setting up Change Data Capture
2021-08-17T10:22:51.054572430Z Replication config already present in pg_hba. Not changing anything.
2021-08-17T10:22:51.059129249Z cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/sentry/wal2json/wal2json.so’: No such file or directory
2021-08-17T10:23:51.443038927Z Setting up Change Data Capture
2021-08-17T10:23:51.446933522Z Replication config already present in pg_hba. Not changing anything.
2021-08-17T10:23:51.452452876Z cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/sentry/wal2json/wal2json.so’: No such file or directory
2021-08-17T10:24:51.836722009Z Setting up Change Data Capture

Seems like there’s a hiccup during installation, failing to download a required postgres plugin.

Can you share your install logs (or at least the part that has wal2json in it)?

I think the issue is that I mixed up the installation process between sentry 9 and sentry 10. I got the hardstop error. I move the directory and cloned a new copy of the repo where I check out and upgraded to sentry 10, then to 21.6.3, and the latest. Previous data seem intact.

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Thank you BYK

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