No stack traces with react-native-sentry

We have been using raven-js for about a year with our React Native app, before there was an official SDK. Now, I am upgrading to react-native-sentry and having some issues.

The biggest one is that no matter what I do, I cannot get the stack trace to show in the project UI, as shown here:

It’s not that I don’t see the source mapped file. I don’t see anything, not a single stack frame.

To troubleshoot, I’ve tried:

  • uploading release data using sentry-cli and via gradle and xcode as prescribed by
  • using sentry-cli releases propose-version as the ‘release’
  • toggling disableNativeIntegration to use js and js/native

Nothing works. Can you please provide some guidance? Our app is hosted on github and the repo is connected to our organization. I’ve used sentry-cli to create releases, add commits, everything I could, but no stack traces.

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Same issue here. April 16th 2019.