This is probably me doing something stupid but I am not getting any errors from sentry. Trying to trigger it from ipython
> In [1]: import sentry_sdk
> …:
> In [2]: sentry_sdk.init(“Sign In | Sentry”)
> …:
> Out[2]: <sentry_sdk.hub._InitGuard at 0x10a842d10>
> In [3]: division_by_zero = 1 / 0
> …:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
> in
> ----> 1 division_by_zero = 1 / 0
> ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
We explicitly do not send any uncaught errors from the REPL to Sentry. Otherwise you would get an email for every typo you make. Try calling capture_exception or capture_message explicitly, that should always work
Calling capture_exception and capture_message directly didn’t help either.
I’m using sentry-sdk==0.14.2 and the following IPython console:
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49)
Type ‘copyright’, ‘credits’ or ‘license’ for more information
IPython 7.13.0 – An enhanced Interactive Python. Type ‘?’ for help.
What I observe is the following.
One statement is setup:
import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk import capture_exception
from sentry_sdk import capture_message
sentry_sdk.init(“https://******”, debug=True)
The followup statement is:
capture_message(‘Test message captured directly’)
and this leads to nothing.
However when I execute everything as single statement (init+capture_message) the event fires and captured on the server.
When I use legacy Raven and create client in one statement and use client to capture exception in follow-up statements - all works fine.
@oleksandr could this be a IPython speciality? How does the regular python REPL work for you?
@untitaker yes, it is IPython’s works differently.
using regular python REPL works just fine (with explicit captures of course).
I am noticing this same behaviour when using Sentry on Jupyter Notebooks. From the looks of it, the notebooks are using ipython.
Ideally, I would like to have the errors reported without having to add scaffolding to capture the exceptions.
Do you know of a way to disable this behaviour?
According to the doc, using something like this should work in jupyter notebooks:
sentry_sdk.init(..., integrations=[ExcepthookIntegration(always_run=True)])
but it’s still not working for me, does anyone have a solution?
This also doesn’t work for me, no matter that now is March 2022. I wrote to support - let us see what they will answer.
After some hours of digging in Sentry SDK code, I’ve developed my own Integration class which does the job.
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
from sentry_sdk.hub import Hub
from sentry_sdk.utils import capture_internal_exceptions, event_from_exception
from sentry_sdk.integrations import Integration
class JupyterExcepthookIntegration(Integration):
identifier = "jupyter_excepthook"
def setup_once():
get_ipython().set_custom_exc((BaseException,), _custom_exc_handler)
def _custom_exc_handler(shell, etype, evalue, tb, tb_offset=None):
hub = Hub.current
integration = hub.get_integration(JupyterExcepthookIntegration)
if integration is not None:
client = hub.client
with capture_internal_exceptions():
event, hint = event_from_exception(
(etype, evalue, tb),
mechanism={"type": "jupyter_excepthook", "handled": False},
hub.capture_event(event, hint=hint)
shell.showtraceback((etype, evalue, tb), tb_offset=tb_offset)
import sys
import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk import capture_exception, capture_message, set_level, set_tag
"https://*****************************", #REPLACE THIS
print("Hello, World")
print(1/0) # will raise an exception which will be written to Sentry
print("one divided by zero")