Relay cannot connect to web:9000 selft hosting on Google Cloud

I encounter the same problem on Sentry 21.3.0. The issue is not present on 21.2.0.
Ubuntu 16.04.2

I’ve seen both the error above regarding DNS and also:

relay_1 | 2021-03-15T20:30:16Z [relay_server::actors::upstream] ERROR: authentication encountered error: could not send request to upstream
relay_1 | caused by: could not send request using reqwest
relay_1 | caused by: error sending request for url (http://web:9000/api/0/relays/register/response/): connection closed before message completed

Hi there! Sorry you are having this issue. Could you share the result of running the following command for us to debug this further:

docker-compose run --rm relay bash -c "cat /etc/resolv.conf"

In the meantime @jauer and the Relay team will prepare a test build that may fix the issue.


FYI I was able to get it working by using relay 21.1.0. Maybe reqwest has something to do with this? Here’s the output (while running 21.3.0):

Starting sentry_onpremise_redis_1     ... done
Starting sentry_onpremise_zookeeper_1 ... done
Starting sentry_onpremise_kafka_1     ... done
search ec2.internal
options ndots:0
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I’m having the same issue on a fresh install.

edit: I reverted to release 20.11.11 and am not having any issues.

We are still investigating this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience :frowning:

Sometime I have error internal: "could not translate host name “postgres” to address: Temporary failure in name resolution "
Is this error relate to error resolve web:9000?

Yup. It is exactly what it says: a temporary failure in name resolution (DNS)

@BYK do you have any update for this issue?
Thank you for your support.

Hi @starofsky, not sure what action we can take here. It is literally what the error message says: your system and network has a DNS resolution issue. It might be due to excessive load on the server.

This Issue seems to be fixed now, see DNS error in relay connecting to web on startup · Issue #918 · getsentry/onpremise · GitHub
Just add “- web” to the relay dependencies in docker-compose.yml

    <<: *restart_policy
    image: "$RELAY_IMAGE"
      - type: bind
        read_only: true
        source: ./relay
        target: /work/.relay
      - type: bind
        read_only: true
        source: ./geoip
        target: /geoip
      - kafka
      - redis
      - web

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