Relay Periodically does not send messages to downstream

relay periodically does not send messages to downstream and returns 429,

But I have not set any rate limits,

What are the possible problems?

Relay may not be able to process all the events as quickly as it can. The best place to look at are Relay logs first.

Here is my logging config, but there is no other log output after start up

Can you try enabling debug logging?

Also are you sure it is relay not sending events forward and not some other part of the system that gets stuck?

I change the return value of is_limited, and now everything is ok. So is it caused by the default value of the limits configuration at relay not being modified(I didn’t change the limits configuration of the relay, I just used the default value)?

Can you try enabling debug logging?
I do this, but there is no other log output after start up.

Also are you sure it is relay not sending events forward and not some other part of the system that gets stuck?
I have a kafka monitor that can see the number of kafka messages,when relay returns 429, the number of kafaka messages is also 0.

Can you fix the typo (loggging) in your configuration and try again with trace logs this time?

  level: trace

I can now output the logs, thank you very much. Can logs be output to a file?
I’ll check again why the current limit is not working properly, and I’ll ask questions if I have any.

Relay does not have that built in. The easiest way would be to redirect standard error and standard output when invoking Relay, or in your orchestration layer.

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