Hi, my sentry DSN unfortunately leaked because I’ve pushed it on a open-source repo on github. I wonder if it is possible to regenerate a new DSN key for my project.
March 11, 2020, 2:03pm
Please see the following posts:
The DSN is not a secret, worst thing someone could do is sending events to your account.
All “analytics” services have this problem.
If that ever happens you have a few options tackling this, you can either block off certain request or cycle the DSN.
So having it in the repo is fine.
You can create just a new DSN and delete old ones. You can find this in your project settings -> Client Keys.
Recommending storing the DSN somewhere private would be conflicting messaging from our side.
Let’s imagine you use @sentry/browser on your website, it’s impossible to hide the DSN in javascript. No one stops you from using the same DSN on your server.
So you see, we can’t make it secret so we don’t tell people it’s a secret, it’s basically an id identifying your account.