I have updated Sentry to 21.5.1 today and I noticed the new “For Review” tab.
For every new event that happens, they do come up in this tab. And I do get an email of the new event.
However, when I click on the event to see the stacktrace (even when it is a few hours and a few reboots later), I get:
Sorry, the events for this issue could not be found.
This could be due to a handful of reasons:
The events are still processing and are on their way
The events have been deleted
There is an internal systems error or active issue
Also memory usage is constantly at about +/- 13 GB = 90%. Could also be due to the performance tracking. Does disabling performance tracking help to reduce memory usage?
Thank you.
EDIT1: In the error log I see a lot: client request body is buffered to a temporary file /var/cache/nginx/client_temp . Not sure whether this affects performance though.
EDIT2: The weird thing is, in the email I receive the full event details (Exception, etc). But even when I click “View on Sentry” in the email, the event cannot be found.
I still don’t get the events through. It started as annoying, but now it has actually become unworkable.
The events don’t show up in the issues “All unresolved”, but are visible in the “For Review” tab. And when I click on them, “this issue could not be found”.
Any help on where to look or how to debug from here would be much appreciated.
In the following 3 lines, the storage changed from event to error. I forgot to change this in my docker-compose.yml file, which was the reason of the error. Happy it is fixed Hope to help anyone with this answer.