I have sentry 9.1.2, deploy in docker from onpromice and i will need uprgade sentry to 20.9.
After upgrade from 9.1.2 to 10.0 or 20.9/latest, I receive the same one error when to open the details of an events:
exec gosu snuba snuba migrate
2020-10-13 14:02:05,957 Migrating dataset outcomes_raw
2020-10-13 14:02:05,972 Executing migration: ALTER TABLE outcomes_raw_local ADD COLUMN size Nullable(UInt32)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,977 Column ‘size’ exists in local ClickHouse but not in schema!
2020-10-13 14:02:05,978 Migrating dataset events
2020-10-13 14:02:05,986 Migrating dataset groupassignee
2020-10-13 14:02:05,992 Migrating dataset transactions
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘transaction_hash’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: UInt64 MATERIALIZED cityHash64(transaction_name), is: UInt64)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘transaction_status’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: UInt8 DEFAULT 2, is: UInt8)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘_start_date’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: Date MATERIALIZED toDate(start_ts), is: Date)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘_finish_date’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: Date MATERIALIZED toDate(finish_ts), is: Date)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘user’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: String DEFAULT ‘’, is: String)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘user_hash’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: UInt64 MATERIALIZED cityHash64(user), is: UInt64)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘sdk_name’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: LowCardinality(String) DEFAULT ‘’, is: LowCardinality(String))
2020-10-13 14:02:05,996 Column ‘sdk_version’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: LowCardinality(String) DEFAULT ‘’, is: LowCardinality(String))
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘transaction_hash’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: UInt64 MATERIALIZED cityHash64(transaction_name), is: UInt64)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘transaction_status’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: UInt8 DEFAULT 2, is: UInt8)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘_start_date’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: Date MATERIALIZED toDate(start_ts), is: Date)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘_finish_date’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: Date MATERIALIZED toDate(finish_ts), is: Date)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘user’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: String DEFAULT ‘’, is: String)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘user_hash’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: UInt64 MATERIALIZED cityHash64(user), is: UInt64)
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘sdk_name’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: LowCardinality(String) DEFAULT ‘’, is: LowCardinality(String))
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Column ‘sdk_version’ type differs between local ClickHouse and schema! (expected: LowCardinality(String) DEFAULT ‘’, is: LowCardinality(String))
2020-10-13 14:02:05,999 Migrating dataset groupedmessage
2020-10-13 14:02:06,005 Migrating dataset discover2020-10-13 14:02:06,006 Migrating dataset outcomes
2020-10-13 14:02:06,009 Column ‘size’ exists in local ClickHouse but not in schema!
This part of the logs suggest that your migrations got interrupted in the middle. Possibly due to an OOM kill. I’d try rerunning the migrations with more RAM available.
Also I strongly recommend trying to upgrade to a more recent version rather than 10.0.0 (like 20.9.0 or the upcoming 20.10.0 which will be released on Thursday) as they have important bugfixes to make this migration easier.
Thanks for your reply.
VM RAM - 12GB.
I tried directly upgrade from 9.1.2 to 20.9 or latest and I have the same problem with the events details display. Then I started trying to upgrade versions sequentially and couldn’t upgrade correctly from 9.1.2 to 10.0.
Okay, I’ll wait 20.10.0 and I will try upgrade to this version.
Today, I uprgade 9.1.2 to 20.10, but unfortunately the problem remained.
migration log postgresql:
08:11:55 [INFO] sentry.plugins.github: apps-not-configured
Faking migration for contenttypes.0001_initial
Faking migration for contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name
Faking migration for auth.0001_initial
Faking migration for auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length
Faking migration for auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length
Faking migration for auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts
Faking migration for auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null
Faking migration for auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002
Faking migration for sites.0001_initial
Faking migration for admin.0001_initial
Faking migration for sessions.0001_initial
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, jira_ac, nodestore, sentry, sessions, sites, social_auth
Running migrations:
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add… OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages… OK
Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length… OK
Applying sentry.0002_912_to_recent… OK
Applying sentry.0003_auto_20191022_0122… OK
Applying sentry.0004_bitfieldtestmodel_blankjsonfieldtestmodel_callabledefaultmodel_jsonfieldtestmodel_jsonfieldwithdefau… OK
Applying sentry.0005_fix_content_types… OK
Applying sentry.0006_sentryapp_date_published… OK
Applying sentry.0007_auto_20191029_0131… OK
Applying sentry.0008_auto_20191030_0016… OK
Applying sentry.0009_auto_20191101_1608… OK
Applying sentry.0010_auto_20191104_1641… OK
Applying sentry.0011_remove_pagerdutyservice_service_id_from_state… OK
Applying sentry.0012_remove_pagerdutyservice_service_id… OK
Applying sentry.0013_auto_20191111_1829… OK
Applying sentry.0014_delete_sentryappwebhookerror… OK
Applying sentry.0015_delete_sentryappwebhookerror_db… OK
Applying sentry.0016_delete_alert_rule_deprecated_fields… OK
Applying sentry.0017_incident_aggregation… OK
Applying sentry.0018_discoversavedquery_version… OK
Applying sentry.0019_auto_20191114_2040… OK
Applying sentry.0020_auto_20191125_1420… OK
Applying sentry.0021_auto_20191203_1803… OK
Applying sentry.0021_auto_20191202_1716… OK
Applying sentry.0022_merge… OK
Applying sentry.0023_hide_environment_none_20191126… OK
Applying sentry.0024_auto_20191230_2052…Events to process: 62444
Event migration done. Migrated 62444 of 62444 events.
Applying sentry.0025_organizationaccessrequest_requester… OK
Applying sentry.0026_delete_event… OK
Applying sentry.0027_exporteddata… OK
Applying sentry.0028_user_reports… OK
Applying sentry.0029_discover_query_upgrade… OK
Applying sentry.0030_auto_20200201_0039… OK
Applying sentry.0031_delete_alert_rules_and_incidents… OK
User Options: 100% |#############################################| Time: 0:00:00
Applying sentry.0033_auto_20200210_2137… OK
Applying sentry.0034_auto_20200210_2311… OK
Applying sentry.0035_auto_20200127_1711… OK
Applying sentry.0036_auto_20200213_0106… OK
Applying sentry.0037_auto_20200213_0140… OK
Applying sentry.0038_auto_20200213_1904… OK
Applying sentry.0039_delete_incidentsuspectcommit… OK
Applying sentry.0040_remove_incidentsuspectcommittable… OK
Applying sentry.0041_incidenttrigger_date_modified… OK
Applying sentry.0042_auto_20200214_1607… OK
Applying sentry.0043_auto_20200218_1903… OK
Applying sentry.0044_auto_20200219_0018… OK
Applying sentry.0045_remove_incidentactivity_event_stats_snapshot… OK
Applying sentry.0046_auto_20200221_1735… OK
Applying sentry.0047_auto_20200224_2319… OK
Applying sentry.0048_auto_20200302_1825… OK
Applying sentry.0049_auto_20200304_0254… OK
Applying sentry.0050_auto_20200306_2346… OK
Audit Log Entrys: N/A% | | ETA: --:–:--None
08:25:59 [ERROR] sentry.runner.initializer: django.compat.model-unpickle-compat (model_id=(‘sentry’, ‘Team’) factory=<function __simple_class_factory_compat at 0x7f6ddcdd9de8> attrs=[])
08:26:00 [ERROR] sentry.runner.initializer: django.compat.model-unpickle-compat (model_id=(‘sentry’, ‘Team’) factory=<function __simple_class_factory_compat at 0x7f6ddcdd9de8> attrs=[])
Audit Log Entrys: 100% |#########################################| Time: 0:00:01
Applying sentry.0052_organizationonboardingtask_completion_seen… OK
Applying sentry.0053_migrate_alert_task_onboarding… OK
Applying sentry.0054_create_key_transaction… OK
Applying sentry.0055_query_subscription_status… OK
Applying sentry.0056_remove_old_functions… OK
Applying sentry.0057_remove_unused_project_flag… OK
Applying sentry.0058_project_issue_alerts_targeting… OK
Applying sentry.0059_add_new_sentry_app_features… OK
Applying sentry.0060_add_file_eventattachment_index… OK
Applying sentry.0061_alertrule_partial_index… OK
Applying sentry.0062_key_transactions_unique_with_owner… OK
Applying sentry.0063_drop_alertrule_constraint… OK
Applying sentry.0064_project_has_transactions… OK
Applying sentry.0065_add_incident_status_method… OK
Applying sentry.0066_alertrule_manager… OK
Organizations: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:00
Applying sentry.0068_project_default_flags… OK
Applying sentry.0069_remove_tracked_superusers… OK
Applying sentry.0070_incident_snapshot_support… OK
Applying sentry.0071_add_default_fields_model_subclass… OK
Applying sentry.0072_alert_rules_query_changes… OK
Applying sentry.0073_migrate_alert_query_model… OK
Applying sentry.0074_add_metric_alert_feature… OK
Applying sentry.0075_metric_alerts_fix_releases… OK
Applying sentry.0076_alert_rules_disable_constraints… OK
Applying sentry.0077_alert_query_col_drop_state… OK
Applying sentry.0078_incident_field_updates… OK
Applying sentry.0079_incidents_remove_query_field_state… OK
Applying sentry.0080_alert_rules_drop_unused_tables_cols… OK
Applying sentry.0081_add_integraiton_upgrade_audit_log… OK
Applying sentry.0082_alert_rules_threshold_float… OK
Applying sentry.0083_add_max_length_webhook_url… OK
Applying sentry.0084_exported_data_blobs… OK
Applying sentry.0085_fix_error_rate_snuba_query… OK
Applying sentry.0086_sentry_app_installation_for_provider… OK
Applying sentry.0087_fix_time_series_data_type… OK
Applying sentry.0088_rule_level_resolve_threshold_type… OK
Applying sentry.0089_rule_level_fields_backfill… OK
Audit Log Entrys: N/A% | | ETA: --:–:--None
08:26:16 [ERROR] sentry.runner.initializer: django.compat.model-unpickle-compat (model_id=(‘sentry’, ‘Team’) factory=<function __simple_class_factory_compat at 0x7f6ddcdd9de8> attrs=[])
08:26:17 [ERROR] sentry.runner.initializer: django.compat.model-unpickle-compat (model_id=(‘sentry’, ‘Team’) factory=<function __simple_class_factory_compat at 0x7f6ddcdd9de8> attrs=[])
Audit Log Entrys: 100% |#########################################| Time: 0:00:01
Applying sentry.0091_alertruleactivity… OK
Applying sentry.0092_remove_trigger_threshold_type_nullable… OK
Applying sentry.0093_make_identity_user_id_textfield… OK
Applying sentry.0094_cleanup_unreferenced_event_files… OK
Applying sentry.0095_ruleactivity… OK
Applying sentry.0096_sentry_app_component_skip_load_on_open… OK
Applying sentry.0097_add_sentry_app_id_to_sentry_alertruletriggeraction… OK
Applying sentry.0098_add-performance-onboarding… OK
Projects: 100% |#################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Applying sentry.0100_file_type_on_event_attachment… OK
Applying sentry.0101_backfill_file_type_on_event_attachment… OK
Applying sentry.0102_collect_relay_analytics… OK
Applying sentry.0103_project_has_alert_filters… OK
Applying sentry.0104_collect_relay_public_key_usage… OK
Applying sentry.0105_remove_nullability_of_event_attachment_type… OK
Applying sentry.0106_service_hook_project_id_nullable… OK
Applying sentry.0107_remove_spaces_from_slugs… OK
Applying sentry.0108_update_fileblob_action… OK
Applying sentry.0109_sentry_app_creator… OK
Applying sentry.0110_sentry_app_creator_backill… OK
Applying sentry.0111_snuba_query_event_type… OK
Applying sentry.0112_groupinboxmodel… OK
Applying sentry.0113_add_repositoryprojectpathconfig… OK
Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique… OK
apparently, this ID changed when I updated my sentry 8.15 to 9.1.2. and on v9.1.2, I can see that my events/issues are shown correctly.
when I updated 9.1.2 to 20.x, I see that query to detailes is executed using id with the UUID format. But old events detailes has old format id.
@mitmafiy - thanks a ton for the detailed information you have shared with us! I think you have helped us identify a long-standing migration issue. We are currently actively investigating this and will be reporting back here.
@mitmafiy we have a potential fix in place but the fix needs to run with your old data. If you can do it, please run the following in the 20.10.1 checkout of the onpremise repo:
@BYK sorry, it is my mistake. all right! I see my events and details. My lab stand is outdated for more than 14 days and std value for filter hid my events. I increased the filter to 90 days and events and details is displayed correctly.