Android Room queries performance

Here’s a sneak peak into a new feature we built for Android - automatic Android Room queries instrumentation. With that we automatically measure the execution time of your SQL queries so you can get insights into what’s slowing down your app. For example, this is how it looks for an open-source app called tivi:

Note, that we also capture how much time does the mapping to DTO (populating fields from a cursor) take.

Start using it now - upgrade the Sentry Android Gradle plugin version to 3.0.0-beta.1

buildscript {
    repositories {

plugins {
    id "" version "3.0.0-beta.1"

and make sure that you enabled performance monitoring on the SDK site:

    <meta-data android:name="io.sentry.traces.sample-rate" android:value="1.0" />

That’s it! The Room instrumentation is enabled by default on the Gradle plugin site. Beware though, that we only support the Android Gradle plugin version 7.0 and above in this version. Check official docs for more details.

We’re eager for your feedback - please, try this out and let us know if you encounter any issues or wish for more functionality.

Stay tuned! We’re going to add even more features to our Mobile performance offer.