Can't able to connect to the same port no with jupyter webserver

Hi guys!

I have created a new sentry container for my application on my private server. and i also installed python jupyter datascience notebook server for the sentry. But when i try to map the same port number that i have used for jupyter server for the sentry container. It is showing the error like the below;

(Failed to allocate instance [container:1i390]: Bad instance [container:1i390] in state [error]: Allocation failed: No healthy hosts meet the resource constraints: [ports: [8302:8888/tcp], ResourceType: instanceReservation, Amount: 1])

My doubt is how can we map the same port for sentry and webserver. is there any additional configuration required for the server side. any firewalls has to open? i don’t know how to proceed…

Any one can please help me to resolve this.