Hello Community!
We are seeing an error uploading source maps during our dev and production builds. This is the error we see:
12:03:34 Processing react-native sourcemaps for Sentry upload.
12:03:34 > Analyzing 2 sources
12:03:35 > Rewriting sources
12:03:36 > Adding source map references
12:03:52 > Uploading source maps for release com.myorg.myapp.ios@6.22.1+6.22.1
12:04:16 error: API request failed
12:04:16 caused by: sentry reported an error: bad gateway (http status: 502)
There are a number of related issues on Github (see below). But I am finding it (surprisingly) difficult to find 1 answer for this issue. Plus the reason i am posting here is the lack of documentation for available options on sentry.properties file…
Sentry version in package.json:
“@sentry/react-native”: “^1.9.0”,
Related issues: