Error in github actions after adding Sentry to project

Hello there! I am trying to get working in my app. Currently, I’ve done the following:

  1. I installed sentry and the sentry webpack plugin like so:
npm install --save @sentry/browser @sentry/tracing
npm install @sentry/webpack-plugin --save-dev
  1. I put the code into my main.ts file like so:
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { Integrations } from '@sentry/tracing';

	dsn: '',
	integrations: [new Integrations.BrowserTracing()],

	// Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100%
	// of transactions for performance monitoring.
	// We recommend adjusting this value in production
	tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
  1. I added a .sentryclirc file with the following:
const SentryCliPlugin = require('@sentry/webpack-plugin');

const config = {
	plugins: [
		new SentryCliPlugin({
			include: '.',
			ignoreFile: '.sentrycliignore',
			ignore: ['node_modules', 'webpack.config.js'],
			configFile: '',
  1. I created a purposeful error in my code like so:

I get the results in Sentry (wahoo!). However, looks like the JS in Sentry looks like so:


webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js in callWithErrorHandling at line 279:22

webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js in callWithAsyncErrorHandling at line 288:21

webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js in Array.hook.__weh.hook.__weh at line 3024:29

webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js in flushPostFlushCbs at line 479:47

webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js in flushJobs at line 515:9

Would like to fix this. My other issue is Github Actions and Ionic AppFlow (similar to Github Actions) both fail now with the same type of error:

> @sentry/cli@1.70.1 install /home/runner/work/jetfoil-mobile-app/jetfoil-mobile-app/node_modules/@sentry/cli
> node scripts/install.js

info sentry-cli Downloading from
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Error: Command failed: /home/runner/work/jetfoil-mobile-app/jetfoil-mobile-app/node_modules/@sentry/cli/sentry-cli --version
error: 12:0 expecting "[Some('='), Some(':')]" but found EOF.
thread 'unnamed' panicked at 'Config not bound yet': src/

   0: backtrace::capture::Backtrace::create

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @sentry/cli@1.70.1 install: `node scripts/install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the @sentry/cli@1.70.1 install script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

Any idea what is happening?

Ok I figured out my problem. I had the wrong information in the wrong file.

Step 3 of .sentryclirc should have been:



And I needed another step for a vue.config.js (instead of webpack.config.js) with the following:

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */

const Package = require('./package.json');
const SentryWebpackPlugin = require('@sentry/webpack-plugin');
const plugins = [
	new SentryWebpackPlugin({
		include: './dist',
		ignoreFile: '.sentrycliignore',
		ignore: ['node_modules', 'vue.config.js'],
    release: Package.version
module.exports = {
	configureWebpack: {
    devtool: 'source-map',

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