Error processing source maps


I’m having problems using source maps. When I do a new release I upload the source maps generated with webpack - uglify, but when I get a JS error in Sentry the error refers to the compiled js code.

In the header of the error entry (in Sentry) I have the message:

Cannot expand sourcemap due to no column information for

You can see the corresponding .map file that I upload to Sentry here:

I also tried to upload the source maps with sentry cli instead of curl, using the --verify option, and it uploaded all them without any issues:

$ sentry-cli releases files tp.v2017.04.25.2 upload-sourcemaps --url-prefix=~/media/js media/js/*.map --validate
Running with sourcemap validation
All Good!
Uploading sourcemaps for release tp.v2017.04.25.2
 -> ~/media/js/ [sourcemap]
  2774d28bbafc18c1ef5f07f4456c9d9d5834e132  (74144 bytes)
 -> ~/media/js/ [sourcemap]
  89b9d1a686459d40d9f6a398d68af2dd39fee629  (3537 bytes)
 -> ~/media/js/ [sourcemap]
  43a08b5db3829b78e87abfdce44090456dbe1334  (16481 bytes)
 -> ~/media/js/ [sourcemap]
  8afc428cc34b761934fde92033945c69363e4c7e  (646303 bytes)

Is this a known problem with webpack / uglifyjs? Any work-arounds?

Thank you!