Question about grouping: if we are using fingerprints for grouping, and at the same time we are sending stacktraces (because exception has stacktrace and we are using custom fingerprints)…who has priority for grouping ? fingerprint or stacktrace ? i guess is fingerprint…
Is because i can not visualize fingerprint from an exception in web page at least i send fingerprint as message property of sentry event (i’m using SharpRaven libraryemphasized text), is there a way to visualize fingerprint (not using message property), is because i need to compare what kind of data is sentry using for grouping and who has priority.
A last question please: this code appears to be created to work in global file, comparing C# and Angular (by example) in angular you can do this using an object called Observable, this basically allows you put some pieces of code in just 1 file but this will be executed before every http call between server and cliente for example. It suppose this piece of code will work in the same way with c# ?
using (SentrySdk.Init(o =>
o.BeforeSend = @event =>
if (@event.Exception is SqlConnection ex)
@event.SetFingerprint(new [] { "database-connection-error" });
return @event;