How to change base url

Hello friends.

How can I change baseUrl http to https?
ssl installed.
**url **

Hi @inarli,

You need to change the system.url-prefix setting. You can find more information over at

Hi @BYK thank you for reply but it already changed.

Maybe you forgot to rebuild your container then as the config files get built into the final image (unless you are using the very latest on-premise repo from a few days ago)?

no. We installed sentry service via pip, not docker. Also, I have restarted the sentry-web service.

systemctl restart sentry-web

Then your config file is probably not in the correct director or there is a bug in Sentry itself. Can you share which version you are using please?

Sentry 9.0.0

That is a very old version so Iā€™m pretty sure this is a bug that is fixed in a more recent version. Are you able to upgrade to Sentry 10 or at least 9.1.2?

Exception: Please upgrade to Sentry 9.1.2 before upgrading to any later versions. :smile:
What can I do for fix this case?

Upgrade to 9.1.2 first as the error suggests?

I did upgrade to v1o. Now, rolled back to 9.1.2 and I followed to the suggested upgrade flow but I received following error;

sentry.utils.snuba.SnubaError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1218): Max retries exceeded with url: /tests/events/eventstream (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f0b5946e1d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))

How is your Sentry instance setup? If you are not using the setup from then you need to bring up all the other services needed to run Sentry: Kafka, Zookeeper, Clickhouse, Snuba, and optionally Symbolicator. You can check our v10 release post for more information:

I installed a new instance with version 10. All issues are lost but this is no problem for us. Thanks for all. @BYK

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Sorry to hear that. Hope your upgrade experience goes smoother next time :slight_smile:

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