i deployed Sentry 9.1.2 in my kubernetes cluster, and everything works fine when i run it over nginx ingress on the root url (’/’) and its always redirected to /auth/login/sentry path, so i thought if i can change this default url to something like /sentry/auth/login.
Now i can see that my url is redirected to /sentry/auth/login but i encountered some javascript loading problems, i heard that SCRIPT_NAME must be added along with FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME and SENTRY_URL_PREFIX but i really don’t know in which file to put it (as i think its not sentry.conf.py).
I tried exposing it on ELB internal load balancer so it gets its own domain but when i try to access it through the ELB url it still refreching indifinetly without any result
Here is what i’ve done before :