Internal Integration On-Premise 9.1.2

Hello, y’all!

I’m trying to create an Internal Integration, which is configured at https://<<sentry_name>>/settings/<<org_name>>/developer-settings/ but this path/feature is not available to my self-hosted sentry. Can this be a version issue? I’m hosting 9.1.2 and just couldn’t find material about the problem I’m facing.

Thank you!

Hi! I’m pretty sure internal integrations are introduced with or after v10 so you’ll need to upgrade :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply @BYK ! Is there a way to be sure though? If you know where can I find the release notes for the versions or something like that.
Thank you once again.

I can dig but I am sure that this is not available in 9.1.2 and if you are upgrading you can just upgrade to the latest version directly which is 21.05.1, released today :slight_smile:

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