I am using Expo - Using Sentry - Expo Documentation
In my development environment I get a 201 status code on upload of attachment, but I don’t see the attachment on the event. I am paying customer, $30/month, so I don’t think it’s hitting quotas.
Whenever the “extra” of “myAttachment” is there, I want to JSON.stringify that and upload it with this code.
This is how I add myAttachment
to extras:
import * as Sentry from 'sentry-expo';
Sentry.Native.withScope(scope => {
myAttachment: {
testingMessage: 'hi there'
// Sentry.Native.captureException(new Error('this should have it attached'));
Sentry.Native.captureMessage('this should have it attached');
And this is my upload code, it gives status code of 201 but I don’t see it.
Note in production, it gives “TypeError: Network request failed” - I have no idea why but I’ll save this question for later.
Sentry.Browser.addGlobalEventProcessor(event => {
if (event?.extra?.myAttachment) {
try {
const myAttachment = event.extra.myAttachment;
delete event.extra.myAttachment;
const client = Sentry.Browser.getCurrentHub().getClient();
if (!client) {
new Error('No client available.'),
return event;
const dsn = client.getDsn();
if (!dsn) {
new Error('No client DSN available.'),
return event;
if (!event.event_id) {
new Error('No event_id available.'),
return event;
const endpoint = attachmentUrlFromDsn(dsn, event.event_id);
const formData = new FormData();
new Blob([JSON.stringify(myAttachment)], {
type: 'application/json'
fetch(endpoint, { method: 'POST', body: formData })
.then(async res => {
console.log('has myAttachment response!', {
status: res.status,
text: await res.text()
// we have to catch this otherwise it throws an infinite loop in Sentry
.catch(error => {
console.error(error, 'sentry.uploadMyAttachment.fetch');
} catch (error) {
console.error(error, 'sentry.uploadMyAttachment');
return event;
function attachmentUrlFromDsn(dsn, eventId) {
const { host, path, projectId, port, protocol, user } = dsn;
return `${protocol}://${host}${port !== '' ? `:${port}` : ''}${
path !== '' ? `/${path}` : ''