OnPremiseSentry: S3 multipart upload is failing

Below image showing the list of parts from a failed multipart upload of sourcemaps in on-premise sentry.

Script to upload the sourcemaps:

VERSION=“0.0.1-$(date +%s)”

npx @sentry/cli releases new $VERSION
npx @sentry/cli releases files $VERSION upload-sourcemaps ./build/assets/webpack/fe-app/ --url-prefix ‘~/’ --validate --rewrite

Command runs successfully and able to list the files also and same can be confirm in sentry UI under projects release artifacts …but the s3 picture not supporting the action.

| Name | Distribution | Source Map | Size |
| ~/fe-app.js | | fe-app.js.map | 11.96MB |
| ~/fe-app.js.map | | | 12.05MB |
| ~/vendor.js | | vendor.js.map | 8.48MB |
| ~/vendor.js.map | | | 21.75MB |