Hi! I would like to double-check whether a specific use-case would be considered “providing a competing service”. (I hope this is the correct place to ask this, since the last comment on this topic was many months ago.)
We are developing an SaaS app (currently in the MVP stage) and many of our clients insist on on-premise deployments, or have strict compliance and data locality requirements. The compliance requirements also mention logging and monitoring and using sentry for those would be ideal. Lets say we want to deploy sentry to a client’s servers, as an on-premise deployment, to monitor our app (which is also deployed on-premise at the client’s servers). Can we use the open-source project version of sentry for this? (The argument being that the service we are providing to our clients is our app, and not general Application Monitoring.)
Does this depend on whether the sentry dashboard or alerts or other features are used only by us or also by our client? I.e. if only we do maintenance and admin on the server running at the client, one can argue that the exact words of the licence, “third parties directly benefit from the error-reporting or application monitoring features” is not triggered here, since it is our ops that “directly benefits”. However, if we also give access to the client’s ops team, does that trigger the “third party directly benefits” part?
I have a feeling that this use-case might be right “at the edge” for what you want to allow. For example, if you say that “yes, this is acceptable”, does that mean that someone can start an “outsourced Application Monitoring” company, which deploys sentry limited to monitoring specific apps? (Which will most likely also mean much higher pricing, due to the added value compared to a generic Application Monitoring Service). Of course, if they call this “outsourced Application Monitoring”, that is cutting it quite close to “providing a competing service”, but what if they call it “outsourced App Maintenance and Operation” or if they call it "operating "?
So, I would be interested in your interpretation, since using the arguments outlined above, I think I can argue both, and I would like to defer to yours.
Also, if this use-case does not fall in the “allowed for free” category, I assume it will fall in the most expensive enterprise pricing package, with the “ask us” pricing. As well it should, since the end-user client is most likely big enterprise with deep pockets. Unfortunately our pockets are much slimmer, the app being in the MVP stage, so in this case that will most likely require us to use some other logging setup for these deployments for now.