Seems that whitelistUrls not working

Have deployed raven to monitor javascript errors with whitelistUrls pointing to our domain, but in dashboard I do see errors from which is noise

Should we combine whitelistUrl with ignoreUrls or it wont work?

Should we combine whitelistUrl with ignoreUrls or it wont work?

According to the relevant Raven.js source code, you should be able to combine them.

If you provide me with a minimal example that shows how an error from a 3rd-party script like doubleclick isn’t being caught by whitelistUrls, I’d be glad to investigate.

We have a whitelistUrls block for our domain, but we are still seeing errors from

Adding /translate\.googleusercontent\.com/ to ignoreUrls also doesn’t stop those errors showing up in our dashboard.

Would the presence of a shouldSendCallback() have any effect on this (we use shouldSendCallback to check for useragents of browsers we don’t support)?