I’m willing to use a CDN-based Sentry SDK, but yours is quite slow in Japan (at least 200ms wait time when already fetched) - is it possible to improve it on your side ? Otherwise I’ll just host it on ours (Cloudflare), but it is less convenient to upgrade.
DNS resolution: 0 ms
Connecting: 163 ms
TLS setup: 207 ms
Sending: 0 ms
Waiting: 146 ms
Receiving: 133 ms
Indeed, there may be an issue. On the debugging tool they provide the RTT is between 140 and 180ms.
It connects to SJC datacenter ( which is in USA, San Jose.
traceroute browser.sentry-cdn.com
traceroute to browser.sentry-cdn.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 _gateway ( 6.295 ms 6.238 ms 6.194 ms
2 Tok2GFM1.vectant.ne.jp ( 40.095 ms 40.103 ms 40.064 ms
3 d245.GtokyoFL24.vectant.ne.jp ( 47.668 ms 47.659 ms 47.619 ms
4 163-139-68-49.rv.vectant.ne.jp ( 47.602 ms 47.564 ms 47.524 ms
5 ae0.peer3.nihonbashi.vectant.ne.jp ( 47.444 ms ae1.peer3.nihonbashi.vectant.ne.jp ( 47.405 ms 47.366 ms
If I see another slow down I will post the results here again.