I recently deployed my sourcemaps to sentry and cannot seem to link them up. I have followed the docs but for some reason, sentry never seems to look at the release artifacts and always gives a 404 that it can’t find the actual sourcemaps on my server.
Example below:
Via the cli, I successfully upload a js file with a valid sourcemap under release ‘stage-08.17.2017’
~/main.d4bd25c6d38d9862951f.bundle.js (sourcemap at main.d4bd25c6d38d9862951f.bundle.map)
In my Project > Releases > stage-08.17.2017 > Artifacts I see the file
~/main.d4bd25c6d38d9862951f.bundle.js ~/main.d4bd25c6d38d9862951f.bundle.map
I trigger the error and go see the event in sentry under my ‘New Issues in this Release’ .
The error says ‘There were 4 errors encountered while processing this event’. 1 is an invalid parameter and the others are below.
HTTP returned 404 response on http://my-staging-url/polyfills.c8f05bd51ae800d718f5.bundle.map
HTTP returned 404 response on http://my-staging-url/vendor-angular.a00daf7a65e1ae0646ec.bundle.map
HTTP returned 404 response on http://my-staging-url/main.d4bd25c6d38d9862951f.bundle.map
My upload-sourcemaps flags are minimal upload-sourcemaps dist/ --validate
My .js files has
//# sourceMappingURL=main.d4bd25c6d38d9862951f.bundle.map
Sentry-cli is version 1.19
Hosted Sentry is 8.19.0
I don’t understand why it always looks at my server (where I do not keep the sourcemaps) and won’t look in the artifacts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.