In the stack there is an “exception” and then a lot of “sentry.event”. Why does sentry not catch the error also? One time into sentry would be enough. Is this a sentry bug?
There is no info about the originating problem. I read in the docs that there would be information about the cause in the additional data but I don’t see any. I have no clue what’s causing this
It’s pretty difficult to narrow down the root of the problem as there’s virtually no information about the script that is causing it (whether it’s external or our own). Not to mention all the quota that it’s consuming.
We are the experiencing the same errors since Jun 17, 2021 4:28:06 AM UTC with @sentry/browser 6.4.1.
We suspect that this error is coming only from Microsoft Outlook SafeLink crawlers from ip addresses such as 40.94.103.* and 40.94.104.*. If you check the ip addresses that cause the error from does it only say Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)?
@carltrine so it’s probably the SafeLink crawler that is not fully supporting js. It would be nice if Sentry could filter out these bots, since it is impossible to replicate these errors.
Problem continues with @sentry/browser 6.7.1. All of the errors I have checked are coming from Microsoft ip addresses and to urls that are only available from emails our system has sent, so they are probably just Outlook Safe Link scanning for malicious websites.
Got this response from Sentry support:
These types of events are caused when a rejection is raised with a non-error object, from which we cannot extract much information. These can be filtered using the ignoreErrors option:
Ths issue is not only to filter the errors, but that it seems that Sentry is going into an infinite loop/endless recursion and generating a multitude of errors. I don’t mind ignoring one error, I can also filter them, but Sentry has to fix this mechanism that gets activated.
It looks like the error might be coming from an embedded chromium app based on this matching error string in the CefSharp project. A Microsoft email checker might make sense.