New to sentry here, things mostly going smoothly, and I plan to transition all of my services over. For now it’s just my primary project and there’s one event that keeps happening that I can’t seem to narrow down the cause of.
It’s an <unlabeled event>
and says ‘There was 1 error encountered while processing this event’. The error seems to be ‘Discarded invalid value for parameter ‘exception’’. Here’s the expansion:
"name": "exception",
"value": {
"values": [
"stacktrace": {
"frames": [
"function": "?",
"filename": "",
"lineno": 366,
"colno": 3,
"in_app": true
"function": ".keen",
"filename": "https://somecloudfrontdomain/some-asset.js",
"lineno": 6,
"colno": 14211,
"in_app": true
"function": "n.addEvent",
"filename": "https://somecloudfrontdomain/some-asset.js",
"lineno": 6,
"colno": 28369,
"in_app": true
"function": "n.Client.prototype.uploadEvent",
"filename": "https://somecloudfrontdomain/some-asset.js",
"lineno": 6,
"colno": 29503,
"in_app": true
"function": "a",
"filename": "https://somecloudfrontdomain/some-asset.js",
"lineno": 6,
"colno": 24204,
"in_app": true
"function": "i.prototype._instrumentBreadcrumbs/</<",
"filename": "https://somecloudfrontdomain/some-asset.js",
"lineno": 14,
"colno": 21631,
"in_app": true
"type": "",
"value": ""
This seems to be related to the js library making a call to log an event. This code definitely works normally, it’s failing in some… obscure, I guess, situation. But of course it’s hard to debug and figure it out since the error isn’t being handled or shown in a useful way.
Anyone have any insight into why this is an ‘invalid parameter’? Is it because ‘type’ and ‘value’ are blank perhaps? I can’t imagine why that would be happening just for this one random error…