[Xamarin Forms] New SDK

Greetings Executor!

I came from afar planet to announce the new Sentry SDK for Xamarin Forms!

you can find more about the project on the github page.

Help is always welcome, being by Pull requests, testing or by dropping a star :smiley:

As a sneak peeks of what the SDK has to offer, here are some of the features:

  • Device and OS tags.
  • Automatic navigation breadcrumbs.
  • Unhandled Exceptions.
  • Automatic warning breadcrumbs.

With your support, we aim to create one of the best Error monitoring tools available for Xamarin!

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Logo will be available on the docs and wizard soon: https://github.com/getsentry/platformicons/pull/25/files?short_path=12401ae#diff-12401ae4d05d861ac8d0d72818fe2c3e0de76ed9f510e7ab5e5bb21b350dbf50