I’m trying to enbale performance monitoring in the web app.
I have a rails app using the sentry-ruby
gem. My config file looks like this:
Sentry.init do |config|
config.dsn = 'my dsn'
config.breadcrumbs_logger = [:sentry_logger, :active_support_logger]
config.async = lambda { |event| SentryWorker.perform_async(event) }
config.traces_sample_rate = 1
class SentryWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(event)
I’m able to send error events, but when i open the performance monitoring tab, I see “Start setup” button, which just leads to a get started page with sdks.
What step am I missing? Or how can i figure out if sentry is sending transaction data? Appreciate any hep here!