Error after installation - Angular 1


My app is in Ionic1 / Angular1.
I installed Sentry. Added the code as mention here: ( under section: Module loaders (CommonJS) ).
After adding the code and upload my app I am getting the error as it’s seen in the image.
It seems like the method apply is missing inside the object…
Could you please tell me what is wrong?

My initialisation:

import Raven = require(‘raven-js’);
import RavenAngular = require(‘raven-js/plugins/angular’);

.addPlugin(require(‘raven-js/plugins/angular’), angular)

–> we are using webpack.


Make sure angular is available at the time you pass it into the raven plugin (the angular variable here actually needs to point to angular). If that is the case, please paste the surrounding code as well. It’s hard to say from the stacktrace here what the issue is.