"events/latest/" throws NotFoundError on 10.0.0

I just take the problem I have faced from the one in github issue

When I want to view an issue, I get an error " Sorry, the events for this issue could not be found." But in the events listing, event still there & I could view event by its id

Can you please provide more information about your setup? Which version are you using (exactly 10.0.0 or something newer)? Are you using the on-premise repo or do you have your custom setup? Do you see anything in the logs etc.

I think I found the problem

I saw that sentry (snuba?) using a kind of compare timestamp >= toDateTime('2020-05-22T04:34:45', 'Universal') when it select events. So please ensure that your clickhouse is using UTC timezone to get events.

You can check by clickhouse-client --query="select timezone()" . Hope this will save you some time

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