Github integration problem

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Hello, faced the same issue here, but for gitlab.

Setup details:
Gitlab on-prem v13.9
Sentry on-prem v21.4.0.dev0

I do not think mine is a time setting issue as both servers have the same date and time.

On the first try, I faced a ConnectionError /extensions/provider/{provider_id}/setup/
I figured this could be because my gitlab instance url needs to be resolved using my DNS server, which the docker containers did not have access to. Thus, I added the extra_hosts option in my docker.compose.yml. On subsequent attempts to integrate Gitlab, this was no longer an issue.

However, I still face the pipeline error on the next few attempts. I’ve set the sentry logs level to debug and this was what was shown:

Apr 01 10:31:55 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: clickhouse_1                                | 2021.04.01 02:31:55.864182 [ 100 ] {} <Information> HTTPHandler: Done processing query
Apr 01 10:31:55 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: snuba-sessions-consumer_1                   | 2021-04-01 02:31:55,876 Completed processing <Batch: 1 message, open for 1.03 seconds>.
Apr 01 10:31:56 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: web_1                                       | 02:31:56 [INFO] sentry.superuser: superuser.request (url='' method='GET' ip_address='' user_id=1)
Apr 01 10:31:56 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: nginx_1                                     | - - [01/Apr/2021:02:31:56 +0000] "GET /extensions/gitlab/setup/?completed_installation_guide HTTP/1.1" 200 10970 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36" "-"
Apr 01 10:31:56 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: nginx_1                                     | - - [01/Apr/2021:02:31:56 +0000] "POST /api/1/envelope/?sentry_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&sentry_version=7 HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36" "-"
Apr 01 10:31:57 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: clickhouse_1                                | 2021.04.01 02:31:57.239782 [ 100 ] {ef046f0a-a6d9-4f66-99b5-0337b0b75725} <Information> executeQuery: Read 1 rows, 185.00 B in 0.012 sec., 86 rows/sec., 15.61 KiB/sec.
Apr 01 10:31:57 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: clickhouse_1                                | 2021.04.01 02:31:57.240156 [ 100 ] {} <Information> HTTPHandler: Done processing query
Apr 01 10:31:57 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: snuba-sessions-consumer_1                   | 2021-04-01 02:31:57,242 Completed processing <Batch: 1 message, open for 1.02 seconds>.
Apr 01 10:32:18 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: web_1                                       | 02:32:18 [INFO] sentry.superuser: superuser.request (url='' method='POST' ip_address='' user_id=1)
Apr 01 10:32:18 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: web_1                                       | 02:32:18 [INFO] sentry.integration.gitlab: gitlab.setup.installation-config-view.success (base_url='' client_id='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' verify_ssl=False)
Apr 01 10:32:18 localhost.localdomain docker-compose[78160]: web_1                                       | 02:32:18 [INFO] sentry.identity: identity.token-exchange-error (error='invalid_state' pipeline_state='b64fe006d3c44fc29b7aa1e84238cbf5')

Would appreciate any help, thanks in advance!