Hi All,
I have set up my front-end project in angular in which I have installed sentry SDK.
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { Integrations as ApmIntegrations } from '@sentry/apm';
dsn: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@sentry.io/xxxxx',
environment: environment.env_name,
release: version,
integrations: [
new ApmIntegrations.Tracing(),
tracesSampleRate: 0.25, // must be present and non-zero
Above you can see sample code like how I initialize sentry in my project. I am getting issues in sentry properly but when I check performance transactions in sentry, it shows lots of duplicated transactions of the same API which I want to summarize.
In the above screenshot you can see for the same order detail API I am having lots of duplicated performance transactions. I want to summarize in a single call something like this =>/orders/<order_id>
I have gone through sentry settings and SDK docs but nothing helped me and did not get any solution to this issue. Nee your support to tackle this thing.
Thank you.