Ignoring errors and plan rate limit?


I just started using Sentry on the free tier, but will soon be releasing my app to production. The user interface has a button to ignore issues for any period of time (up to forever). I’ve been using this for errors that are expected, but that I haven’t gotten around to keeping them from reporting to Raven in my code.

So I have a few questions about this wonderful ignore button.

  1. What are the rules regarding the ignore? Is it every error with the same trace? Same events leading up to it? Same message? What’s the criteria for an ‘ignore’? For example, if the error is something like “Unknown field ‘foo’”, and I ignore it, will “Unknown field ‘bar’” also be ignored?

  2. How does ignoring errors affect my total limit for events? Does an error that gets ignored count as an event?

  3. Is there any documentation on this stuff that I should read instead of asking this question :smiley: (I didn’t find any googling)

Noah Prince

As of today (5/29):

What are the rules regarding the ignore? Is it every error with the same trace?

If it would have been grouped together, it will instead be ignored.

How does ignoring errors affect my total limit for events? Does an error that gets ignored count as an event?

“Ignore” is more like “mute” – the event is still processed, grouped, increments counters, etc – but doesn’t trigger alerts. As a result it still counts towards quota.

If you have long-lived errors you never ever want to see again, we recommend filtering at the client SDK level.

We plan to offer more flexible data filtering options that don’t count against your quota in the future. Please subscribe to the blog or keep an eye out for updates.

Is there any documentation on this stuff that I should read instead of asking this question :smiley: (I didn’t find any googling)

Ideally the app itself should explain. In the meantime, this place works.

Right, ideally the app itself should explain but it currently doesn’t. I do feel like that’s an important piece of information that should be in the app or documentation right now.

Oh, I was wrong. It’s documented here: https://docs.sentry.io/accounts/quotas/