upload dump file: curl.exe -X POST ''https://sentry.io/api/ID/minidump?sentry_key=KEY' -F upload_file_minidump=@/path/to/minidump
curl returns status as 200
MingW64 toolchain(g++ 7.3), Windows 10, Qt 5.10
I am not sure if sentry just ignores the file or is it not able to create a trace for the dump file(maybe something is wrong with the symbol file)
Did sentry-cli report "OK " after uploading the breakpad symbols and does the file appear under Project Settings > Debug Information Files? Unless the minidump you’re uploading is still processing (which will usually only take a couple of seconds), you should either see processing issues or the issue appearing in your issue stream. Just to confirm, you see neither of those?
Are you self-hosting Sentry or using sentry.io? If the latter, could you please let me know which organization and project you are referring to?
Did sentry-cli report "OK " after uploading the breakpad symbols and does the file appear under Project Settings > Debug Information Files?
I don’t remember whether it said okay but yes, the file does appear under the Debug information files. I have uploaded 3 files till now(one elf and 2 breakpad symbols) and all three appear under Debug information files
So I am guessing there is nothing wrong with the symbols.
And, I am using 32 bit version of sentry-cli. I don’t think that will make any difference though
Unless the minidump you’re uploading is still processing (which will usually only take a couple of seconds), you should either see processing issues or the issue appearing in your issue stream. Just to confirm, you see neither of those?
We’ve isolated the issue and will deploy a patch later today. Your windows crashes should start coming in some time after that. Thanks again for providing all this information and detailed steps to reproducing the issue.