Not seeing "Sentry-Hook-*" headers for WebHook

I just created a WebHook integration (version 9.1.2).

I’ve been testing it and I don’t see any of the Sentry-Hook-* headers I would expect as documented:

The headers I see look like this:

   "accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate",
   "user-agent":"sentry/9.1.2 (",

Any idea why I’m not seeing said headers and how I can proceed to validate the requests I receieve?

Thanks so much,


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Hi, I came across the same problem. Have you worked out the reason? By the way, I can read nothing from req.body, nor req.params. The only information I can make use of is
data from req.headers. I setup a nodejs server for my sentry webhook test. Looking forward to your replay :slight_smile:

I have the same question,and I check the alert config for a long time :sweat_smile: