@BYK On the postgres container , seeing this ERROR on sentry_eventuser inserts. May have further impact but not sure.
Please provide context .
i am on Sentry 20.9.0.dev0
postgres_1 | ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sentry_eventuser_project_id_hash_377a63c0_uniq"
postgres_1 | DETAIL: Key (project_id, hash)=(19, 837ec5754f503cfaaee0929fd48974e7) already exists.
postgres_1 | STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "sentry_eventuser" ("project_id", "hash", "ident", "email", "username", "name", "ip_address", "date_added") VALUES (19, '837ec5754f503cfaaee0929fd48974e7', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '::1'::inet, '2021-02-15T22:10:31.375136+00:00'::timestamptz) RETURNING "sentry_eventuser"."id"
postgres_1 | ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sentry_environmentprojec_project_id_environment_i_91da82f2_uniq"
postgres_1 | DETAIL: Key (project_id, environment_id)=(19, 4) already exists.
postgres_1 | STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "sentry_environmentproject" ("project_id", "environment_id", "is_hidden") VALUES (19, 4, NULL) RETURNING "sentry_environmentproject"."id"
nginx_1 | - - [15/Feb/2021:22:10:31 +0000] "POST /api/6/store/ HTTP/1.1" 200 41 "-" "sentry-ruby/3.0.0"
postgres_1 | ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sentry_environmentprojec_project_id_environment_i_91da82f2_uniq"
postgres_1 | DETAIL: Key (project_id, environment_id)=(6, 2) already exists.
postgres_1 | STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "sentry_environmentproject" ("project_id", "environment_id", "is_hidden") VALUES (6, 2, NULL) RETURNING "sentry_environmentproject"."id"
postgres_1 | ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sentry_grouprelease_group_id_release_id_envi_044354c8_uniq"
postgres_1 | DETAIL: Key (group_id, release_id, environment)=(1860, 591, production) already exists.
postgres_1 | STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "sentry_grouprelease" ("project_id", "group_id", "release_id", "environment", "first_seen", "last_seen") VALUES (6, 1860, 591, 'production', '2021-02-15T21:28:39+00:00'::timestamptz, '2021-02-15T21:28:39+00:00'::timestamptz) RETURNING "sentry_grouprelease"."id"