I’ve set up Sentry to work with my React Native project.
The .jsbunde.map is uploaded against the right version/dist used by the app and can see it in the UI.
When I force an error by using throw in the app, the error shows up. However, it only shows the source for Sentry JS code handling the error. I don’t see any of our app code. The last line in stack trace is app:///[native code] in value.
Besides that app:///[native code] indicates that the last frame of the stack trace was executed in native, I am not sure but are you using our react-native SDK https://github.com/getsentry/react-native-sentry ?
The SDK is also able to pick up both Javascript and native crashes.
Yes we are using the Sentry SDK and hooked up both native and JS crashes. We are using AppCenter to generate the bundle and maps. With this in mind should the app:///[native code] show something different? The Native symbols are uploaded and linked to the version.
The code used for this error is throw "error" on the JS side.
BTW seeing this with iOS - the bug report above seems to be related to Android only.
If it helps I’m bundling into the release with AppCenter cli, and is the same files uploaded to CodePush. I update the Sentry map files in script using the upload-source maps on Sentry cli.
The version is matched in the app using Sentry.setVersion. I’m using a different version string than the <package name>-<version> to separate ios and android releases (as they use same package/bundle name but unsynchronised version/dist numbering. I get the CodePush dist number from the CodePush description field of the meta to marry everything up. This is because using the documented CodePush approach doesn’t work for us (label changes when moving between staging and production).
Still the same issue, identifying a CodePush release with its version number is a very bad idea since it changes during CodePush promotion from staging to production environment. The release hash (available from CodePush CLI and into the app) should be used instead.
Hi @TheCodeKing (Mike),
Do you still have the same issue?
I’m running into it, with the same process. I’m building with Appcenter CLI and it uploads the source map in sentry by itself.
In my case, I get this error and it’s not pointed in the line of code where the error occurred. TypeErrorkeyExtractor(app:///index.android.bundle)
How do you rely on build number if the source bundle and maps are materially changing between code-push releases (since the build number would not change).