React-Native crashes only show the obfuscated point of error

Hi there,

When Sentry catches an Exception, it only shows me the line from the “minified” version of the bundle. I’m using CodePush for iOS and Android.

I’ve already set up CodePush with Sentry:

codePush.getUpdateMetadata().then((update) => {
	if (update) {
		Sentry.setRelease(update.appVersion + '-codepush:' + update.label);

Sentry shows me the error from “”, which is already minified. I can’t figure out exactly what caused the problem.

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
  at ? (app:///
  at p(app:///
  at ? (app:///
  at p(app:///
  at n(app:///
  at ? (app:///
  at c(app:///
  at b(app:///
  at _(app:///
  at u(app:///
  at _invoke(app:///
  at async(app:///
  at value(app:///
  at value(app:///[native code]:0:0)
  at ? (app:///
  at y(app:///
  at callTimers(app:///
  at value(app:///
  at ? (app:///
  at value(app:///
  at value(app:///
  at value(app:///[native code]:0:0)

Is there a way Sentry can tell me what line threw the error, from a non-minified version of the code?