We just switched from sentry-cli to react-native-sentry. Our source maps get correctly matched on iOS but not on our Android app where it seems that sources are not found although artifacts uploaded.
So the upload of the artifacts in the release section looks fine.
But there seems to be something wrong with the frames url, it should be prefixed with app:// instead there is no prefix at all.
Have you changed something there?
No, that’s fine with three slashes.
Have you disabled the native integration?
It looks like raven-js is sending the event instead of our java native client.
The SDK information on the bottom of the event should say sentry-react-native instead of raven-js.
Still, I will check that since it should also correctly work with just raven-js.
Excellent, we indeed found out that RNSentry was not initialized due to bad code inclusion on our end (and therefore Raven implementation was used). We managed to generate native crash on Android linked to a Release, and it showed a detailed stack-trace.