I see strings numbers and booleans, but when something is an array I only see the actual word “Array”, same for “Object”, and there’s also something called “Filtered” which I think is nested objects.
How do I get the actual values out of them?
Thanks in advance!
PS. Besides of this one glitch (which is a deal breaker for us), Sentry looks AMAZING!
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If anyone is looking for a solution please visit this GitHub issue:
opened 04:06PM - 05 May 21 UTC
closed 02:18PM - 04 Oct 21 UTC
## Important Details
How are you running Sentry?
Saas (sentry.io)
## … Description
[What happened]
I see strings numbers and booleans, but when something is an array I only see the actual word “Array”, same for “Object”, and there’s also something called “Filtered” which I think is nested objects.
How do I get the actual values out of them?
Thanks in advance!
PS. Besides of this one glitch (which is a deal breaker for us), Sentry looks AMAZING! :slight_smile:
## Steps to Reproduce
1. initialize sentry react + redux according to docs
2. define an array and an object in one of the reducers
3. throw an error
4. go to the report on sentry.io and see "Object" and "Array" instead of the actual values

Good items to include here include:
- Include a stacktrace or other logs when relevant
- Include a redacted version of your configuration (`sentry.conf.py` and `config.yml` files) when relevant
// store.js
const sentryReduxEnhancer = Sentry.createReduxEnhancer({
// Optionally pass options
let store = createStore(
composeWithDevTools(applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware), sentryReduxEnhancer)
// index.js
dsn: process.env.REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN,
integrations: [new Integrations.BrowserTracing()],
// Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100%
// of transactions for performance monitoring.
tracesSampleRate: 0.05,
### What you expected to happen
[What you think should be happening]
See the actual contents of the arrays and objects and not the words "Object" and "Array"
I think the issue is filed by the same user i.e. goldylucks